Manchester United Seeking Fan Views On Old Trafford Regeneration

Manchester United's Old Trafford Stadium Manchester United is launching a survey this week to ensure the views of its fans are at the heart of plans for the future of Old Trafford and the regeneration of the Trafford Wharfside area.

The fan survey, which will be shared by the Club via email on Friday, is the first step in the fan consultation phase of the Old Trafford Regeneration project as the feasibility work progresses, following the appointment of the Task Force of leading experts and local leaders in February.

While the Club has continually engaged with the Fans’ Advisory Board and Fans’ Forum on this matter, the launch of the survey will offer all men’s and women’s team Season Ticket holders, United Members and Executive Club members the opportunity to provide their views directly to the Club.

Collette Roche, Manchester United chief operating officer, said: “We want to hear from as many fans as possible during this process to ensure we can capture all their views and understand what our supporters want from a world‑class stadium in the future.

“This important survey is the first stage of our wider consultation with fans and will be followed by a series of focus groups and town hall meetings to make sure fan voice is at the heart of our decision‑making process.”

Former Club captain, and member of the Old Trafford Regeneration Task Force, Gary Neville, said: “Old Trafford has evolved throughout its history and it’s clear we are at a point where it has to change again to ensure that Manchester United has a world‑class stadium befitting the world’s greatest club and the world’s greatest fans.

“Old Trafford should be a stadium that the Manchester United fan base can take pride in, so I urge the fans to complete the survey, and participate in the wider consultation, to help shape the Task Force feasibility work and ultimately inform the club’s final decision on the stadium’s future.”

Duncan Drasdo, CEO of the Manchester United Supporters’ Trust, added: “Enhancing fan engagement on key issues is at the heart of MUST’s mission and there are few more important questions at any football club than the future of the stadium. Our primary objective through the Task Force is to ensure that supporters' voices have been heard when the Club comes to make their decision about the future of Old Trafford, so we believe this process is of utmost importance.

“We'd encourage all fans to share their views and continue to engage throughout all aspects of the consultation process.”

The survey will cover fans’ current matchday experience, what they want their future experience to include and ask their views on new build and renovation options. It should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete, and the Club thanks its fans in advance for their time, efforts and honest views which will help shape world‑class facilities we can all be proud of.

The deadline for responses is 23:59 (BST) on Sunday 6th October 2024.

In addition to fan consultation, the Club will also be seeking the views of residents, and the wider community, with that process starting in October.

An aerial of Manchester United's Old Trafford stadium