Ampergia Limited Named As Leyton Orient’s Official Sustainability Partner

Leyton Orient sustainability partnership Leyton Orient have welcome Ampergia Limited on board as the Club’s Official Sustainability Partner.

The partnership is a four‑year agreement that begins immediately, so this summer the club are working alongside Ampergia to install state‑of‑the‑art solar panels at Gaughan Group Stadium.

The solar panels are a significant investment but, once installed, they could save the Club up to £1m in energy bill costs over a 10‑year period and will vastly decrease its carbon footprint.

Partnership Account Manager at Leyton Orient Pa Lette said: “As a football club, we are committed to operating sustainably and we are thrilled to welcome Ampergia Limited on board as our Official Sustainability Partner.

“The solar panels that will be installed at the stadium are best in class and the savings that we can make are fantastic, meaning that we can invest that saved money elsewhere within the football club.

“I hope that this can be the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership between ourselves and Ampergia. During the next four years we will be looking for more ways to make further positive change and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.”

The solar panels will be installed on the roofs of the East Stand and Incite Consulting Community North Stand. During the summer months, they should generate enough energy to power the whole stadium.

Sandip Sali, Ampergia’s Managing Director said, “Ampergia has extensive knowledge and skills to design, install and manage an industrial PV system, which comprises of latest, top‑tier commercial grade solar panels, inverters and energy storage. We ensure our installations are customised for the energy requirements of our clients and provide good value for money. The system is scalable for the future energy requirements, too. We use a state‑of‑the‑art, cloud‑based software solution designed for real‑time monitoring and management of renewable energy data, easily accessible by users from anywhere in the world.

“Leyton Orient will benefit immensely by adapting to this system, in terms reducing their energy costs and carbon footprint. These savings can then be invested back into the club to help it achieve its vision, which is to be successful on the pitch and one of the first football clubs in the UK to be embracing the cleaner technology. We are delighted to be working in partnership with them - they are taking the crucial first step in the right direction towards achieving a net‑zero target and promoting sustainability.

“This partnership marks a significant move towards a greener future, showcasing our joint commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainable development.”

Image Credit: Leyton Orient Football Club.