Johnsons Delivers Over A Decade Of Tried And Trusted Performance At Woodbridge Golf Club

The magnificent Woodbridge Golf Club, utilising the 100% fescue mix from Johnsons Sports Seed

A programme of Johnsons J Fairway has been praised by the team at Woodbridge Golf Club, after delivering tried and trusted performance for more than a decade. Such is the consistency and quality of results from the 100% fescue blend on the fairways, Course Manager Paul Lawrence is now employing another 100% fescue mix from the Johnsons Sports Seed range on the clubs 27 greens as they seek to improve drought and disease tolerance.

Woodbridge Golf Club boasts a 9 and 18‑hole course, well renowned for its exciting play and stunning heathland surroundings. When Paul joined the club in November 2014, Johnsons J Fairway was already extensively used across the fairways and, ten years later, remains the only mixture that suits their conditions. “It would be remiss not to keep an eye on new mixtures, but we continue to find that nothing performs like J Fairway year‑in, year‑out” says Paul.

He continues, “It gives us fantastic, hard‑wearing surfaces and has demonstrated outstanding tolerance to drought over the years.” Paul emphasises that this was particularly evident during the summers of 2018 and, more recently, 2022. “Despite the extreme drought, as soon as the rain returned the fairways came back in a flash which is testament to its recovery, and the deep rooting nature of fine fescues. It can also be sown late into the year and it’ll establish and germinate as soon as conditions are right.”

Woodbridge Golf Course Johnsons J Fairway blends five top‑ranking fescue cultivars to deliver sustainable fairways with improved sward quality and reduced management cost. Ideal for heathland and parkland courses, J Fairway has high visual merit and shoot density, along with industry‑leading tolerance to drought and turf diseases including Fusarium.

“Because of how well this mix performs, we are now in a position of not having to conduct much in the way of overseeding – more just monitoring and spot‑treating certain ‘bottleneck’ areas.”

In attempts to replicate the resilient results on the greens, Paul has recently embarked on an overseeding programme with Johnsons J Fescue on the back of advice of DLF’s Craig Spooner and local distributor Aitkens. “We’d like to achieve a bent/fescue composition which, moving forwards, will put us in a better position to withstand environmental pressures and lower our inputs of water and fertiliser. We’re overseeding twice a year and are already seeing fantastic results!”

For more information on all the high‑performance mixtures available across the Johnsons golf and sports turf seed range, visit