Premium Lighting For Premier League Football:
Zumtobel Illuminates Tottenham Hotspur Training Centre

The outside view of the Tottenham Hotspur Training Academy Enfield

The Tottenham Hotspur Training Centre in Enfield, North London, is one of the premier training grounds in the world. It boasts state‑of‑the‑art facilities catering to every aspect of player training and development, from physical conditioning to mental coaching. The facility also serves as a hub for social and educational programs, enriching the lives of thousands within the local community.

Zumtobel, having already forged a successful partnership with Tottenham Hotspur through the supply of over 77,000 luminaires for the iconic Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, was once again selected as the preferred lighting supplier for the Training Centre. With a diverse range of luminaires, bespoke product development capabilities, and unparalleled installation expertise, Zumtobel was uniquely positioned to enhance the Training Centre's multifaceted environment at the intersection of sports, education, and architecture. Every aspect of training in one place.

Tottenham Hotspur Training Academy Enfield gym

Team Play First

To shed the best possible light on all these different club activities, lighting provider Zumtobel was heavily involved in the concept stage of the project, working closely with F3 Architects, Electro Tech Installations and M & E consultants EDP Environmental.

In order to be able to implement individual changes to the standard luminaires and to supply customised products, Zumtobel put two experienced lighting designers on the team throughout the process to make sure that the lengths and sizes of the luminaires fitted and all the clients’ and architects’ wishes were realised.

Unique Design Concept, Urban Appeal

Rachel McMurray, Zumtobel Project Manager, comments: “We focused mainly on helping the architect produce the desired design results. It was all about finding the right luminaire, in a certain product quality and longevity, that also gave the right feeling in terms of aesthetics.” F3 architects’ concept asked for a modern design approach with an urban, industrial feel that included high ceilings, exposed services, brickwork and much more.

“Especially in the refurbishment part of the project, the overall look became a lot more edgy”, Rachel McMurray continues. “Our luminaires reflected that urban, funky look – we used black coatings, opaque optic elements and a completely bespoke, original installation.”

Tottenham Hotspur Training Academy Enfield canteen

Different Luminaires Reflect Different Kinds Of Activities

“Our luminaires create a nice variety for the players,” says Rachel McMurray. “Each area has its specific look and provides a different inspiration.”

All the luminaires throughout the gym and activation area are ball‑proof. The gymnasium has been built completely new and features SLOTLIGHT light lines in many different lengths. The architects played with the linear look to give the room a dynamic, urban design. The unique environment is designed to spur the athletes – both professional and junior – on to an even greater performance.

Restaurant Lighting Promotes Social Exchange

To illuminate food and drinks in the best possible way and enhance the modern, edgy design of the restaurant area, Zumtobel opted for MICROS and DIAMO luminaires. MICROS downlights in black feature modern reflector technology and a round shape that encourages social exchange. Various beam angles combined with excellent glare control make MICROS perfectly adaptable to general lighting tasks in every hospitality area. DIAMO spotlights complement the lighting concept by creating powerful accents in brilliant lighting quality and RESCLITE PRO as well as ARTSIGN both ensure the athletes’ safety in an emergency.

Tottenham Hotspur Training Academy Enfield hospitality and restaurant suite

Office Lighting Activates Human Biorhythm

For best working conditions in the office areas, Zumtobel chose MELLOW LIGHT. With its dynamic lighting characteristics, it is modelled on daylight and has a particularly activating effect on the human biorhythm. MELLOW LIGHT can also help to create different moods in the room and is an ideal solution for computer work and VDU work because of its effective glare control. With its minimalist appearance, MELLOW LIGHT blends seamlessly into the surrounding architecture.

Academy corridors are lit by PANOS infinity LED circular downlights. RESCLITE PRO and ARTSIGN provide best‑in‑class emergency lighting throughout all the walkways.

Excellent Teamwork For An Elite Sports Facility

The diverse and complex project with its various applications has been made possible by outstanding teamwork and experienced partners: “From concept to installation: Each stage in the project is critical”, says Rachel McMurray. “We received fantastic support from all our partners, so we were able to accommodate the many changes in planning with ease.”

Tottenham Hotspur Training Academy Enfield pool

The Successful Partnership Continues

Zumtobel are already working on a follow‑up project for Tottenham Hotspur, with a state‑of‑the‑art lighting solution for the extended Media Centre.

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