COVID‑19 Guidance From The SGSA

Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA) logo The SGSA has developed a suite of guidance and materials to support sports grounds to plan for the safe return of fans.

SG02: Planning for Social Distancing at Sports Grounds

In August, the SGSA published Supplementary Guidance 02: Planning for Social Distancing at Sports Grounds (also known as SG02), which advises management on planning for the return of fans under social distancing conditions. This document outlines how to calculate a socially distanced capacity and details the management responsibilities, including circulation around the ground.

Download the guidance: SG02 Planning for Social Distancing at Sports Grounds

In addition the UK version, they have published an international edition (SG02i) which is available in English, French and Spanish.

They have also developed a version using two metre calculations. To receive a copy of this, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Support Materials

To support the implementation of the guidance they have developed the following:

  • Videos, led by Ken Scott, which explains each of the chapters of the guidance
  • Webinars, available to watch on demand, which give an overview of the guidance along with in‑depth question and answer sessions with Ken Scott
  • Online training course
  • Case studies from Movement Strategies assessing the application of the SG02 guidance on two English Football League clubs
  • Research into spectator experiences at pilot events

Regulatory Controls

They have developed a policy guidance document which outlines the regulatory controls for sports with spectators. Originally published in August 2020 this Policy Guidance – Sport with spectators COVID‑19 regulatory controls (PDF) is a revised version and reflects the Government’s latest Stage 5 guidance.

Sport without spectators

They have developed guidance for sports grounds in the delivery of sports behind closed doors:

Sport Without Spectators – football guidance 9 July (PDF)

Sport Without Spectators – sports grounds guidance 9 July (PDF)

UK Government guidance

Stage One: Return to training guidance

Stage Two: Return to training guidance

Stage Three: Return to domestic competition guidance

Stage Four: Return to cross border competition guidance

Stage Five: Return to competition: safe return of spectators

Working safely during coronavirus: restaurants, pubs, bars and takeaway services

Working safely during coronavirus: shops and branches

Sports Technology and Innovation Group

The UK Government has set up the Sports Technology and Innovation Group to work with sport bodies to explore high‑tech solutions to get fans back into venues.